We help people discover the pastry chef inside them

We believe in your baking skills (although you have no clue that you have them). We know and believe that everyone can bake. The art of cooking is more than mixing ingredients. It’s an amazing experience. A moment to create, get inspired, share with others, taste new flavours and surprise yourself and others with the results.

Create delicious and healthy dishes and share them with your loved ones. Grab your whisk and put on your kitchen apron, don’t be afraid. We are here to coach you, cheer you up and guide you.

2013 - The beginning

Loli Palazzo, BakeVivant founder, finished her Animation MBA and moved back to Argentina. She grabed a kitchen utensil for the first time in her life. She made an Alfajor.

Loli left her 2D animation job and started her bakery catering at home. TanRico was born.

2016/2018 - Everyone can bake

TanRico was known as the best alfajor in Argentina and in the entire world. They sold over 300 dozen of alfajores per month.

Loli founded her cooking academy for grown ups and kids. Teaching kids made her realized that everyone can bake. Her students surprised her class after class.

2020/2021 - Inspiration

TanRico lauched the first flavoured alfajores collection. People went crazy with the innovative flavours and textures. TanRico opened a bakery and coffee shop.

Loli wrote her first book "Hay Equipo, a cocinar" which was a huge success. The baking academy kept growing, Loli had 45 students per week!

In November TanRico decided to live a new experience and moved to Málaga, Spain.

2022 - BakeVivant baking mixes launches

Loli knew everyone can bake and create healthy baking mixes to help people to discover their inner pastry chef.

In September the idea came into live. Organic, vegan-friendly, lactose free and natural baking mixes. For people to bake home-made bake goodies like a pro. TanRico became oficially BakeVivant.

2024 - Loli is back in the kitchen

Loli knew something was missing. She didn´t feel fullfil without teaching and baking her amazing and delicious creations.

In Febrary the oven started baking again. BakeVivant opened the take away and make to order pastry shop. The shop is full of adults and kids students.